I Think You Should Quote
Hold that door
Ain't piss
You gotta give
Sure about that?
Can't talk about it without crying
Didn't rig shit
I'm not worried about it
I'll kill you
Should have lied
Dump him girl
That's a chunky
Don't swear
Worked 150 times
I am serious
You live like so far
Absolute bullshit
Cosmic gumbo
Don't care if I die
Can't know how to hear
Shut up!
Don't Laugh!
They're so dirty
I'm so mad about this
Maddest I've ever been
I stand by
Teacher's pet
He admit it
Turbo Team
Only take you a sec
We all do it
I'm bored
Can't change the rules
Not even supposed to be here
This guy's about to jack off
Triples makes it safe
Crap dang it
Down the hatch
Turns out it fucking sucks!
Bullying me
Who the fuck are you?
Never let the party die
Your family hates you
Let me think about it
What a crop
I don't have a boy dick
I make ten times as much
Ruined my life
Nice motorcycle
I'm not stupid
I'm not popular at all
Santa brought it early
Don't know what any of this is
I don't know that, do I?
Too much shit on me
So hot
Greater good
Don't want to be around
Give me that
I'm joking
Not really
My farts are long
This is a betrayal
Don't know if you're allowed
Tiredest I've ever been
Can't skip lunch
So confused
Get him out of here!
We got a certified chode
This is dumb, dump it
Don't do the voice
What the hell
Quit fucking with them
That would slick back really nice
This is pushed back
I said was!
Let's slop em up!
I want that one so bad
You go in, yes you do
To you and yours
Just chips, like just chips
What is going on?
I don't want that
And popcorn
I can't stop having wine
I hate bald boys
He can hit
Asking questions
Don't worry about it at all
Banana breath
It's got a bush?
Not in trouble at all
55 Burgers
I'm doing something
Shit! Shit! Shit!
That's not enough time!
Too much business-wise
Give me all that stuff!
I'm really crossed up
Not gonna talk about your kids
Just don't fuck with me again!
Most popular guy here now!
Don't want him to have hair
You're not cool at all
Cause the teacher
Everyone farts
Shirt brothers
Hey hey shirt brother
Just might be no rules
Never do another rule
I'm awake now
Driving Crooner baby
Make money on this
Leave me alone!
We're gonna go nuts in there!
What did they do to us?!
That lives on Earth
Not interesting or good
I should have prepared
Well within my rights
Wanted two girlfriends
I see the world wildly
You broke the rules
I'm not nervous
You sure? Hrmm! Aww